The most effective fertilizer formulation delivers the most efficient crop cultivation possible as well as improved crop performance. It also increases the return on investment for growers. Blends are a win-win.
Customised mineral fertilizers
A blend is a compound of different mineral fertilizers. We can supply any blend you want. The application of blends is a useful addition for fertilizing plots in a customised manner. We select the best raw materials for this to ensure our Novagran quality.
Efficient fertilization
Livestock farmers and arable farmers can use a blend to spread all the required nutrients and trace elements, in a single operation, exactly as needed. Now that really is efficient fertilizing! Did you know that we are affiliated with the Dutch Association for Blenders of Fertilizers (NVB)? The aim of the association is to raise awareness of blends, which represent a very effective and environmentally friendly approach to fertilizing.
Get in touch with our experts directly. They are happy to tell you more.
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