The global population is growing, but the amount of farmland is declining. We are doing all we can to make sure that soil is as fertile as possible for optimal crop growth so that there is enough food not only now, but also in the future. Sustainable food production is the starting point. We are making this possible by investing in product development and research and by sharing this knowledge with our chain partners, such as the potato-processing, dairy and compound-feed industries, crop advisers and agronomists. Our story?From soil to life.
We believe in making food available for next generations by contributing to a fertile soil. We believe soil feeds live.
The way we make food available for next generations is by being responsible for the right application of fertilizer in our soil. We do this by connecting suppliers and customers with our knowledge and supply chain network.
We produce tailor made fertilizers, handle in commodity fertilizer products and share marketing intelligence and agronomical know-how in partnership. We make fertilizer work.
Besides a range of innovative fertilization concepts, we also offer a customized blend composed of the fertilizers of your choice. In addition, we enhance the value of fertilizers with additives which, among other things, improve nitrogen efficiency and thus reduce the environmental impact.
More than 1,200,000 tonnes of fertilizers reach farmyards every year through our strategically located storage and transfer sites in Northwestern Europe. With our capacity to store in excess of 300,000 tonnes, we ensure that our products reach their destination anywhere in the world quickly and efficiently, even during the peak season. To achieve this, we work with reliable partners in road transport and shipping.
We are a member of Meststoffen Nederland. Meststoffen Nederland is the interest group for the fertilizer industry in the Netherlands. It represents producers, importers, wholesalers and suppliers of mineral fertilizers. Together we account for about 95% of the revenue from mineral fertilizers in the Netherlands.